Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tokoh :Ismail Haniyeh ,Pemimpin Hamas Yang Berjiwa Rakyat

Bumi Gaza terus bermandi darah. Serangan bertubi-tubi roket Israel ke arah Gaza setakat artikel ini ditulis telah mengorbankan 28 orang yang rata-ratanya terdiri daripada kanak-kanak dan wanita. Tentera Zionis kelihatan semakin degil dengan menjadikan kekuatan ketentaraan mereka untuk terus menekan masyarakat Gaza untuk menyerah kalah. Dunia boleh terus mempersoal dan membidas rakyat Palestin kerana enggan tunduk kepada kuasa-kuasa besar dan memenuhi kehendak Israel. Hakikatnya, seluruh dunia boleh terus meminggirkan rakyat Palestin dan meninggalkan mereka bersendirian mempertahankan haq dan membebaskan tanah air mereka. Namun pengalaman telah membuktikan rakyat Palestin tidak akan meninggalkan perjuangan mereka biarpun mereka terdedah kepada kebuluran dan tragedi kemanusiaan akiba sekatan ekonomi dan sekatan antarabangsa. Zionis seolah-olah lupa tidak ada satu perjuangan pun di dunia ini untuk membebaskan tanah air daripada penjajahan dan penindasan yang gagal. Seluruh kekuatan boleh dikerah untuk menekan perjuangan rakyat Palestin, namun hakikatnya jiwa dan jasad mereka telah diabadikan dalam perjuangan membebaskan bumi Al-Aqsa.

Ketika penulis sedang mencari maklumat mengenai serangan terbaru Zionis ke atas Gaza, penulis amat tersentuh dengan kerendahan hati seorang pemimpin tertinggi, Perdana Menteri Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh dalam melayani mangsa-mangsa kekejaman dalam misi serangan yang dilancarkan oleh Zionis ke arah wilayah Gaza. Penulis memperoleh gambar-gambar beliau ketika melawat mangsa-mangsa tersebut dari Facebook seorang pemimpin tertinggi Hamas. Alangkah malangnya bagi penulis kerana tidak dapat mengerti perkataan yang ditulis oleh beliau kerana penulis kurang memahami bahasa Arab. Tiada perkataan yang dapat penulis ungkapkan betapa sayangnya Islamil Haniyeh kepada rakyatnya, disebalik ketegasan dan kegarangan beliau ketika berhadapan dengan algojo Zionis, terselit jiwa lembut seorang pemimpin yang menyantuni rakyatnya. 

Biarlah gambar-gambar ini mengungkapkan segalanya.... 

Mungkin ciuman ini adalah untuk mencium haruman syurga pada tangan si kecil mujahid ini..

Ciuman yang penuh kasih sayang seorang pemimpin tertinggi kepada seorang rakyat biasa..

Damailah kamu dalam tidurmu wahai mujahidku..

"Andai sahaja aku dapat mengganti dirimu dalam menanggung kesakitan ini wahai mujahid kecilku sayang" mungkin kata-kata ini yang terpacul dari hati kecil sang pemimpin.

Andai ciumanku umpama ciuman Rasulullah ke dahi Husain..

Bersabarlah mujahid kecil, semoga Allah membangkitkan kamu dengan wajah yang berseri di akhirat kelak sebagai penghuni syurga..

Semoga jasadku yang mencium tanganmu akan tetap gagah untuk membela umat ini..

Bagaikan siang di rimba, menjulang tinggi panji kebenaran, takkanku mundur walau selangkah!

Dua ikon pejuang Islam masa kini, Ismail Haniyeh bersama pemimpin Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Ismail Haniyeh ketika melayani anak-anaknya dirumahnya.Inilah pemimpin  yang diidami rakyat zaman ini! Allahuakbar!

Ismail Haniyeh lahir pada Januari 1963, (Bahasa Arab: إسماعيل هنية) adalah pemimpin politik utama kumpulan / parti Hamas dan bekas Perdana Menteri Pihak Berkuasa Palestin.

Selepas Hamas merampas Gaza daripada Fatah pada 14 Jun 2007, beliau telah dipecat oleh Presiden Mahmoud Abbas. Sebenarnya Mahmoud Abbbas selaku Presiden Palestin, tiada ada kuasa membubarkan kabinet Ismail Haniyeh. Oleh kerana itu Ismail Haniyeh menolak pembubaran dan pemecatan itu kerana tidak perlembagaan.

Haniyeh dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri pada 16 Februari 2006 berikutan Hamas diubah dan dibentuk semula pada selepas Hamas menang dalam Pilihan raya legislatif Palestin 25 Januari 2006. Beliau mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri pada 29 Mac 2006. Kemudian beliau meletak jawatan pada 15 Februari 2007 untuk membentuk kerajaan perpaduan antara Hamas dan Fatah. Beliau sekali lagi mengangkat sumpah sebagai Perdana Menteri pada 18 Mac 2007.

Haniyeh lahir di kem pelarian Al-Shati di Genting Gaza. Pada 1948 ibu bapanya melarikan diri selepas serangan-serangan bom Israel dan tempat itu kini dikenali sebagai Ashkelon di Israel. Pada 1987, Ismail mendapat ijazah kesusasteraan Arab dari Universiti Islam Gaza. Pada 1989 dia dikurung selama 3 tahun oleh pihak keselamatan Israel dan dibebaskan pada 1992. Selepasa itu diusir oleh Lubnan. Dia pulang ke Gaza dan dilantik sebagai dekan Universiti Islam.

Selepas pemimpin rohaniah Syeikh Ahmed Yassin dibebaskan pada 1997, Haniyeh dilantik menjadi pengerusi Hamas. Tapi Israel mensasarkannya sebagai orang yang bertanggungjawab membunuh rakyat Israel.

Pada 2003 dia cedera di tangan selepas tentera udara Israel melepas tembakan di Baitulmuqaddis. Serangan Israel ini berikutan tindakan pejuang Hamas meletupkan diri dan mencederakan warganegara Israel. Pengaruhnya semakin meningkat selepas Kebangkitan Intifada terutama kerana hubungan erat dengan Syeikh Ahmed Yassin dan ramai pemimpin Hamas dibunuh oleh pihak keselamatan Israel.

Pada Disember 2005, Haniyeh telah dilantik mengetuai parti Hamas dan Januari 2006 memenangi pilihan raya Palestin.

Pada 16 Februari 2006, Hamas mencadangkan Ismail Haniyeh sebagai Perdana Menteri Palestin. Pada 30 Jun 2006 kerajaan Israel mengancam membunuh Haniyeh jika militan Hamas tidak membebaskan Gilad Shalit. Gilad Shalit ialah tentera Israel yang telah menceroboh dan mengintip di kawasan Gaza. Gilad tidak mengalami sebarang kecederaan.

Pada 20 Oktober 2006 Ismail Haniyeh mahu Fatah dan Hamas bersatu dan tidak bertempur sesama sendiri. Malam itu, Ismail terselamat dari serangan ketika sedang dalam konvoi untuk menemui Mahmoud Abbas di Gaza. Serangan itu bukan satu pakatan bunuh, sebaliknya seorang anggota Fatah yang mengamuk selepas bertelingkah dengan Hamas.

Pada 14 Disember 2006, Ismail Haniyeh dilarang masuk ke Gaza melalui sempadan Rafah, Mesir. Beliau dilarang masuk oleh Menteri Pertahanan Israel Amir Peretz.
Anak sulung Haniyeh cedera ketika melintasi sempadan.

Israel menilai Ismail Haniyeh sebagai bahaya kerana tidak mengiktiraf kewujudan negara Israel. Ismail Haniyeh juga enggan mematuhi syarat meletakkan senjata.
Oleh itu langkah de facto sekatan ekonomi dilakukan. Kerajaan Israel enggan menyerahkan lebih USD600 juta wang cukai milik sah warga Palestin di Gaza.

Ismail Haniyeh menjawab beliau dilantik secara demokrasi oleh warga Palestin dan Israel tidak boleh menekannya. Israel tidak sepatutnya memberi layanan berbeza. Peruntukan wang cukai itu adalah hak sah rakyat Palestin, bukan sedekah daripada Israel.

Amerika juga menganggap Hamas sebagai organisasi pengganas. Amerika mengarahkan 50 juta dolar tidak dikeluarkan dari bank-bank asing untuk membantu kerajaan Hamas di Palestin. Menteri Ekonomi Palestin Mazen Sonokrot bersetuju memulangkan semula bantuan Amerika.

Ismail Haniyeh berkata,
"Pihak Barat sentiasa saja menggunakan wang bantuan kemanusiaan untuk menekan kembali penduduk Palestin yang dibantu."

Hamas mahu Israel terlebih dahulu mengiktiraf negara Palestin sebagaimana peta 1967, membebaskan banduan di penjara Israel, mengiktiraf hak pelarian untuk pulang ke Palestin. Jika tidak mereka akan terus berjihad sehingga Baitulmuqaddis dibebaskan. Malangnya Israel terus menghalang penduduk Israel untuk terus bekerja di tanah mereka, merampas tanah mereka dan melakukan pembunuhan demi pembunuhan.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Puisi : Shalom Urshalem...

Shalom Urshalem,
Shalom al-Aqsa,
1400 tahun lalu kau
Dibebaskan dek cengkaman salib ? salib Romanise
tiranis Oleh Khalid dan Umar al-Farooq.

800 tahun yang lalu pula,
kau diselamatkan oleh Qutz,
dari digigit dan dimamah oleh Tatar al-Barbarik.
Sejurus itu juga kau dibebaskan dan disucikan
Sekali lagi dari tangan ? tangan najis
Namun kini?.tika Sang Khakham, Rabi ? rabi, pengganas dan pemalsu ? pemalsu Taurat,
Menajisi dataranmu, merancangkan keruntuhanmu seinci demi seinci?.
Di mana Khalid!!!
Di mana Umar!!!
Di mana Qutz!!!
Di mana Salahuddin!!!
Wa Khalidah!!!
Wa Umarah!!!
Wa Salahuddin!!!
Wa islamah!!!
Hanya darah hangat si Khalid ? Khalid yang kerdil mengalir
Dan membasahi tanah suburnya
Membajai benih ? benih syuhada
Yang bakal melahirkan ratusan Khalid, ribuan Umar, dan Jutaan Salahuddin?
Di serata dunia, menyahut seruan
INTIFADAH kali kedua.
Apakah Khalid yang dinanti?
Bertangan kanankan Coca Cola dan Pepsi, dan di kirinya ayam KFC ?
Bert-shirtkan Black Metal, Trash dan juga artis ? artis seksi ?
Berseluar gengsi ?
Bercukur keningnya ?
Berambut dai perang ,
Bercontact lenskan biru laut,
Berzikirkan West Life, Madonna, KRU, Awie dan Erra Fazira ?
Hollywood kiblatnya ,
Hip Hop, Punk, Rap, Metal, Trash, Liberalisme syariatnya ?
Britney Spears idolanya ?
Disko, panggung wayang, shopping complex dan Gem masjidnya?
Seks bebas amalan hidupnya ?
Pergaulan bebas ikutannya ?
Alkohol zam ? zamnya ?
Superstar ? superstar para anbiyanya?
Celebrity ? celebritey para rasulnya ?
FHM, URTV, mangga, Ujang dan majalah ? majalah hiburan Qurannya ?
Manakah mungkin ini Khalid kita!
Manakah mungkin ini Umar kita!
Manakah mungkin ini Salahuddin kita!
Bagaimana pula janji Allah ?!!!
?Tidak akan datang hari kiamat sehinggalah kamu!!! Berperang, mengganyang, membantai, memusnahkan kaum Yahudi, lantas mereka bersembunyi di balik kayu dan batu.
Sehinggalah batu dan kayu pun berkata : wahai ?muslim, wahai?Abdullah, ayuh kemari, di belakangku ada Yahudi?Bunuhnya!!!
Janji Allah pasti benar,
Janji Rasul juga benar,
Al-Quran itu benar,
Al-sunnah juga benar.
Tapi bila?
Tapi bila?
Bagaimana ?, di mana ?, siapa ?
Aku, atau kamu, atau mereka ?
Yang pasti?kita kerja dan terus kerja dan terus kerja
Sehingga al-Aqsa kembali menjadi milik kita?.
SHALOM Urshalem?
SHALOM al-Aqsa?

Sumber : Palestinkini

Global March To Jerusalem : 30 March 2012

What is the GMJ’s structure and who is behind?
To achieve all the above the idea was turned into action by forming an International Central Committee (ICC) responsible for this march. The committee consists of 35 members representing the five continents. An International Executive Committee (IEC) for the GMJ will emerge from the International Central Committee, and will consist of 13 members. National committees in most countries of the world will be formed to follow up and to coordinate the actions and events at the national level. These national committees will include representatives of all backgrounds and organisations working for Palestine and Jerusalem from media, religious, social, professional and human rights figures.
There are at least 100 key international figures worldwide adopting the idea, supporting and signing a document of principles governing the Global March to Jerusalem. This document was adopted at the founding meeting in Amman on 12th December, 2011. Among the prominent, well known figures who sign the document of principle an Advisory Board will be formed. The names of the Advisory Board along with all organisations supporting the GMJ will be announced in all literature to emphasize the international support for the march.

GMJ’s Concept and Objectives
The historic day 30th March marks Palestine Land Day* in Palestinian national memory. This year our aim is to mark it as an international event to demonstrate solidarity with Palestinians and to protect Jerusalem. This will be achieved by organizing a Global March to Jerusalem or to the nearest point to it. The march will demand freedom for Jerusalem and its people and to put an end to the Apartheid, ethnic cleansing and Judaisation policies affecting the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem.
By organising the March and its preceding and parallel activities we aim to highlight the cause of Jerusalem (the City of Peace) which is considered the key to peace and war in the region and the world. The march will confirm that the policies and practices of the racist Zionist state of Israel against Jerusalem and its people are a crime not only against Palestinians but against all humanity.
The march will unite the efforts of Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and all citizens of conscience in the world to put an end to Israel’s disregard for international law through the continuing occupation of Jerusalem and the rest of Palestinian land.
We aim to make this march a turning point in the nature of the confrontation, with the occupation having to face millions of protesters and demonstrators demanding Freedom for Palestine and its capitol Jerusalem. We will make a renewed true effort towards ending the occupation through peaceful national movements inspired firstly by our convictions, secondly by the justice of our cause, and thirdly by the spirit of the Arab spring revolutions and the determination of young people who were able to overthrow dictatorships. Especially now that the nations have realized the magical effect of the people’s will to make the impossible possible. The advancing slogan, “the people demand,” has proved to be more effective than armies and weapons.
* Palestine Land Day – a day celebrated by Palestinians on 30th March each year. The event marks the events of March, 1976, after the Israeli authorities confiscated thousands of dunums of private and public land in majority Palestinian areas, especially in the Galilee. Following these events the Arab masses inside Palestine declared a general strike, confronting the Israeli authorities for the first time since the occupation of Palestine in 1948. The Israeli response was militant and violent, as the Israeli troops, backed up by tanks, entered Palestinian villages and reoccupied them, causing a number of martyrs and many wounded and detainees among the civilians.
How will the GMJ take place?
  1. Massive marches will be organised from Asia, Africa and Europe to and in neighbouring countries to Palestine (Jordan, Eygpt, Syria and Lebanon) and towards Jerusalem or to the nearest point possible according to the circumstances of each country and through coordination between all groups and institutions of civil society taking part in the march, in coordination with the official and national bodies concerned. These marches will be composed mainly of the people of each country and thousands of international solidarity participants traveling to these countries specifically to join the marches.
  2. Massive marches organized in Palestine (the 1948 seizures, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) towards Jerusalem or to the nearest point to it. Palestinian people from all factions and institutions will participate alongside international solidarity activists who are able to enter Palestine.
  3. Mass protests to be organised in front of Israeli embassies in the capitals of different countries.
  4. Mass demonstrations and protests to be organised in the main public squares in the big cities of the world, including the Arab and Muslim capitals and large cities, which can be initiated from the main mosques and churches in each city, where appropriate.
  5. Transcontinental Rallies to be organised, from Europe, Africa and Asia, according to the conditions and possibilities of each region.

Global March To Jerusalem : Formation of Malaysian GMJ Board

Representatives from multiple NGOs in Malaysia met, discussed and agreed on a blueprint of action that can be put in place to instill awareness of the GMJ on 30th March which coincides with Palestine Land Day.  Malaysia Global March to Jerusalem, MyGMJ was formed to structure and organize these efforts and to be part of GMJ.
This event will be highly significant as it is done in tandem with the rest of the nations across the globe, from Africa, Asia, Europe, America and Australasia under the banner of the Global March to Jerusalem. It is to send a very loud and clear message to the rest of the world that the majority of peaceful loving people in this world are demanding freedom for Jerusalem and its people and to call for an end to apartheid and ethnic cleansing policies affecting the people, land and sanctity of Jerusalem.
Apart from sending key representatives to join the global March in Amman, MyGMJ has outlined a series of activities to demonstrate our solidarity with Palestine and the protection of Jerusalem, culminating in the grand March 30th event. Among others, they include road shows to schools and universities to educate the students of the atrocities that Israel has for many years forced upon the Palestinians, via the screening of documentaries, lectures, dialogues and distribution of pamphlets and flyers. A flash mob has also been conceptualized that will be staged at major venues in the city.
Many other activities are also being finalized as a run-up to the major event on 30th March to synchronize with other marches across the globe. On this date, Malaysians from all walks of life, on foot or on superbikes, will be carrying the flags of all countries that have recognized Palestine and converge at a public venue with a virtual scene of the city of peace, Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa mosque and the Church of Nativity as the backdrop.
For more information about the Global March to Jerusalem, go to GMJ official website :

Monday, February 6, 2012

Why The Two State Solution is NOT a Solution?

Have you ever had a discussion with a liberal, and by liberal I mean the Robert Frost definition of liberal, someone who is too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel, or the Theodore White definition, someone who believes that water can be made to run uphill? Or a conservative, someone who believes everybody should pay for the water. I am neither, I believe water should be free, and that water flows downhill – and in fact bottled water and insurance are the biggest shams to date (however I won’t be getting into that today).

A DAY IN THE LIFE OF PALESTINIANS ... A dead boy killed by Israeli soldiers being mourned by siblings

First of all the ‘peace process’ is an Israeli concept. It is an Israeli ideology based on Zionist supremacy of ‘we will have peace in return that you be quiet and live under our rule, our policies and our boots, and agree to our demands – which includes your inevitable exile’. That essentially is what the peace process stands for, and I’m certain there is nothing anyone could produce, including a Knesset member, to prove otherwise. And to talk about a genuine peace process, the one understood to be settling the ‘conflict’ as a liberal would describe, is like kicking a dead horse rather than acknowledging that its dead. And that its not a horse, it’s a unicorn. Doesn’t exist.

Today, the number of Israelis and Palestinians living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea is approximately about 5 million each. But most demographers agree that in less than a decade, Palestinians will greatly outnumber Israelis. That means that Israel will no longer be a Jewish majority state (unless some demographic miracle happens, like say a massacre). This is quite frightening for the state of Israel, which already implements extreme ‘security measures’ that come in the form of 500 watchtowers, 100 fixed checkpoints, 130 settlements (with several more settlement plans being approved every few months), 500,000 aggressive settlers, night raids, violent repression of Friday protests, Gaza’s F-16 war planes and drones, denial of medical access, administrative detentions, demolition notices, bulldozers at 6am, high velocity tear gas, skunk water, and it goes on.

To expect a Palestinian-Israeli confederation wherein the two peoples share joint political and economic institutions while maintaining a sense of semi-autonomy and preserving their cultural and religious distinctions based on the peace process, on Israeli terms, is far-fetched. The two state solution becomes a floating paradox. It is here where the dead horse or unicorn becomes a cloud of dust.

The peace process – the two-state solution, is farce because, yes, Israel doesn’t want two states. Israel has never in the course of its history supported two states. 

When the current party in power, Likud, happens to be founded by the terrorist Menachem Begin in 1973, a man who was part of the Irgun terrorist group responsible for the King David Hotel bombing (of British Forces) as well as the Dier Yassin Massacre, and despite this miraculously became prime minister and then awarded the Nobel Peace prize, there was never the intention of a two-state solution. 

Israel was founded based on one principle and one principle only. An established homeland for the Jews. And to this day, they still dream of the ‘Great Land of (all) Israel’. They believe they made the ‘desert bloom’, because Palestine was ‘a land without a people, for people without a land’. There is no West Bank, it is ‘Judea and Samaria’. There are no ‘Palestinians’, they are only Arabs and Arabs have 23 states.

Now when a country emerges and builds upon the history of another history written by peoples of different creeds and colour in harmony, and declares it sacred for themselves, when a country emerges based on the ideology that they are superior to every other human being based not on a race, but scriptural belief, when a country establishes its existence on stolen geography, stolen history and undying blood, the word peace is as invalid as the US being in Afghanistan for a feminist cause. It is just beyond absurd.

Once we understand that Israel has never been a supporter of co-existence and sharing what they have come to claim for themselves and only themselves, it becomes extremely clear that obviously the Palestinians would not want a two state solution. 

Israeli soldiers celebrating beside a dead Palestinian civilian

The Palestinians do not want a two state solution, just as you wouldn’t if you had your home ransacked by a foreign group, settled in your fields, in your houses, treated like a 4th class citizen, shot your mother and cut her stomach open to kill your unborn sister leaving her skirt hoisted by her waist, dragged your father by the head to execute him with your brother against a wall, shot your grandmother in the chest, made you beg for your life, forced you to escape into a neighbouring land after half of your population was exiled and killed, and now you remain ousted for the remainder of your existence, because they have forbidden your return, whilst your people still inhabiting parts of the land undergo daily humiliation and degradation, imprisoning the men, beating the women, kidnapping the children, bombing sleeping families, uprooting your trees, building their homes, erasing your history, rebuilding your geography, swallowing your culture. You too, would not want two states. You would want it all – back.

Of course, whenever I engage in a discussion with a liberal of some kind, or someone who isn’t entirely informed on the issue but is an apologist, but do happen to accept the points made above they ask, “well realistically, the only solution is to have two states. You can’t drive the Jews into the sea or push the Arabs off the land, so doesn’t it make sense to have two states?”

The answer is yes, it would make sense.

WHOSE SECURITY? ... An Israeli soldier confronts 'danger'

It would make sense to have two states (if we’re talking about realistic terms), no settlements, no checkpoints, no military presence in Palestine, the right of return for Palestinians in exile, a formal apology by the state (just for the sake of it), Israel’s apartheid laws abolished, the physical and economic siege on Gaza lifted, the apartheid wall and settlements demolished, freeing of all prisoners, giving back land to uphold the UN partition, basically terminating the concept of Zionism. 

But how is that possible when the entire existence of Israel is solely based on Zionism? To expect a Palestinian-Israeli confederation wherein the two peoples share joint political and economic institutions while maintaining a sense of semi-autonomy and preserving their cultural and religious distinctions based on the peace process, on Israeli terms, is far-fetched. The two state solution becomes a floating paradox. It is here where the dead horse or unicorn becomes a cloud of dust.

However I must insert here, Palestine isn’t based on the 1947 partition plan issued by the UN (they were useless even then). Palestine is Haifa, Palestine is Yaffa, Palestine is Jerusalem. So I will want it all back. And if you were Hanifa al-Najjar, who lost her husband, after a settler had already cracked open her skull, and had an Israeli soldier paralyse her 5 year old daughter, I believe you would too.

Courtesy: Comment Middle East
Source :

Saturday, February 4, 2012

PALESTINE : Irfan Makki

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 
How are you guys doing?
Just wanted to share a song, 
from Irfan Makki.
Enjoy. Feel. :)

-Fi Amanillah-