Okay people.
Today's 31 May.
So? Does it ring a bell with you?
"31 Mei 2010, (01.30tgh waktu Malaysia) – Israel dilaporkan telah merampas 6 buah kapal konvoi Freedom Flotilla. Dilaporkan jumlah kematian meningkat kepada 16 orang dan lebih dari 30 orang cedera ketika pasukan Israel menyerang kapal-kapal Freedom Flotilla pada Isnin (31/5) pagi, menurut laporan dari Radio Tentera Darat Israel. Konvoi kemanusiaan itu diserang ketika menghampiri 65km dari pantai Gaza. Mereka juga berkata kapal-kapal itu sekarang sedang ditarik ke bandar Haifa Israel, bukan ke Asdod untuk mengelakkan wartawan menunggu di sana." - Kematian mencecah 16 orang, 12 wakil Malaysia Berada Di Atas Kapal Mavi Marmara (http://haluanpalestin.haluan.org.my/?p=3817)
Last year, at this times, most of us can't stop thinking about the fate that Allah has bestowed upon the fighters that joined the Freedom Flotilla organized by the Free Gaza Movement and the Turkish Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarians Relief (IHH).
We all know that Allah S.W.T tests each and every one of us with nothing more than what we can bear.
On 30 May 2010, while in International waters, the Israeli Naval Forces communicated that a naval blockade over the Gaza area was in force and ordered the ships to follow 'em to Ashdod Port
OR TO BE BOARDED. The ships (the activists) declined.
The boarding started at 2 am on 31 May 2010.
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mean and ruthless =( |
Upon hearing the news that the Israeli's Shayetet 13 naval commandos boarded the ships from speed boats and helicopters, we all knew that those who were on the ships are strong ones, chosen by Allah to stand against the Israelis with great courage and determination.
"We do not impose on any self any more than it can bear. With Us is a Book that speaks the truth. They will not be wronged." (Surat al-Muminun, 62)
"As for those who believe and do right actions – We impose on no self any more than it can bear – they are the Companions of the Garden, remaining in it timelessly, forever." (Surat al-A'raf, 42)
"Allah does not impose on any self any more than it can bear. For it is what it has earned; against it, what it has brought upon itself." (Surat al-Baqara, 286)
In contrast to the other vessels on the flotilla, Mavi Marmara's activists confronted the Israelis soldiers. Armed with nothing but knives, bats and metal pipes, they defended themselves against the well-armed Israeli soldiers. Up to 16 activists were killed (nine according to the UN report. huh?) and dozens were injured.
Can't stop 'twisting'. It's their nature!
AND the psychopath Israelis fussed over their seven injured IDF soldiers.
Like, daa?
They even defended themselves, tried hard to rationalize the irrational violent attack on the Mavi Marmara's activists.
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"This people are gonna kill us! they are so 'well-equiped'. Let's kill'em first!" ~they (the Israelis) might have thought. |
The Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that
"the Mavi Marmara (passenger ship) did not carry any humanitarian aid, except for the passengers' personal belongings." They also stated that other ships in the aid convoy actually carried the aid. Israel says that they have found knives, metal and wood sticks in the ship. The UN report states that knives from the ship's kitchens (plus one traditional, ceremonial knife), some catapults (slingshots) and metal pipes the passengers cut from the ship's railings were found. ~yeah, right!
Ustaz Hasanuddin bin Yunus, the President of Aqsa Syariff Berhad (among the activists on Mavi Marmara that survived) shared his experience and unveils the main missions of the freedom flotilla.
· "Kapal Mavi Marmara mempunyai 3 misi utama iaitu menghantar bantuan makanan,ubat-ubatan dan bahan binaan secara besar-besaran ke Gaza.Misi kedua pula adalah membuka laluan terutama laluan laut untuk membolehkan barang-barang bantuan dihantar kepada penduduk Gaza. Misi yang ketiga pula adalah membuka mata dunia tentang penderitaan yang sedang ditanggung oleh rakyat Gaza hasil keganasan dan kezaliman Israel."
Malaysia's former prime minister had a point when he categorized the Israels as pirates. They are, aren't they? I mean, hostile boarding of a ship in international waters is against the International Maritime Law – it IS Piracy!
"... apabila Israel melakukan perkara yang sama dengan memaksa kapal bantuan Gaza menukar haluan ke pelabuhan mereka, Israel tidak pula dilabel sebagai lanun. Sehingga ke hari ini kapal misi kemanusiaan yang dipaksa menukar haluan ke Israel masih di sana. Ini satu tindakan jenayah.
Jika Malaysia menahan kapal-kapal yang lalu di perairan Selat Melaka seluruh dunia pasti akan mengecam Malaysia. Mungkin ada negara yang akan menghantar kapal perang dalam memastikan kapal yang ditahan oleh Malaysia akan dibebaskan.
Tapi, apabila Israel bertindak tidak ada pihak yang membangkitkan perkara itu dalam Pertubuhan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (PBB). Ini kerana kuasa besar menyokong Israel."
(Tun Dr Mahathir is the president of the Perdana Global Peace Organization [PGPO] )
"The navies of the world kill Somalis that do this
and yet America (the US government) supports the
Israelis pirates who murdered people aboard a
Turkish ship in international waters."
~unknown blogger
We shall never forget this. Today, it is HISTORY. And history shall repeat itself if we do not do anything about it..
Timbalan Ketua Misi Kedutaan Iran di Kuala Lumpur, Dr. M.S.Dolatabadi berkata, serangan ke atas flotila bantuan kemanusiaan ke Gaza umpama serangan ke atas kebebasan dan nilai kemanusiaan.
''Satu-satunya cara untuk berhadapan dengan rejim Zionis ialah sikap tidak mengenal erti putus asa.”
S So, as for now, what can we do?
· Four products that are confirmed (tiada 'khilaf') to be contributing to the Israelis are McDonald's, Loreal, Coca-Cola and Nestle. You know what i'm trying to say. Both, you and i know what we should do!
"Anda tidak mati jikalau memboikot produk tersebut
tetapi ingat umat Palestin akan mati dengan pembelian anda".
5. http://hubpages.com/hub/IsraelisPIRATESMURDER10ininternationalwaters
6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid
7. http://yastro.blogspot.com/2010/05/palestin-oh-palestin.html6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_flotilla_raid
and a lot more!
If there are any mistakes in terms of the facts stated please let us know, i stand corrected. =) SALAM!